Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 to 5 months

I am finally at the end of updating with pictures of Luke. Hopefully now I can keep up. Our family has had some fun changes in the last little while. James got a new job in Salt Lake City so we moved out of Logan. Yeah! Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful place to live, and we loved it there, but after a while you just have to get out to the bigger world. It really was such a relief to leave that dark wood paneled apartment (yet we do miss our $400 rent). Anyway, we like being closer to family and much more shopping. I was able to quit my full time job that I was about to go back to and stay home with our little guy which is great for me. I am still trying to do some part some stuff for some much needed extra cash but at least we are slowly moving up in the world. Here are a few pictures from the last few months.

Luke at about 3 months when we were moving. It was sort of crazy. We only had 2 weeks from the time when we found out about to job until we had to be in Salt Lake. I really don't miss that nasty brown tile!

A picture at our new place. He likes to eat everything these days! He is about 4 months here.

On the balcony of our new place. We are right out from the tennis court. That makes James really, really, happy!

Luke at I at our new table. We did not have a table so James found this one at D.I. it was only 15 bucks and solid wood so he went for it. He thought we could refinish it and such. Anyway, the only drawback was that the bottom was covered with about 400 pieces of gum (not exaggerating). It was so gross. James (masked and gloved of course) scraped it all off and we sanitized with a million clorox wipes and now it is a satisfactory table. Man the things you do when you are poor....but hey notice we have white walls!

Luke is about as long as a tennis racquet (27 inches for those who don't know). James likes this picture cause he is holding the racquet and his drool soaked shirt looks like he has been playing a hard match. Ha ha.

It is hard to catch him smiling on camera. As soon as he sees it he stares at the light and won't smile but we managed to get a few. Gotta love those chubby cheeks!

He is getting so big. He has two small bottom teeth coming in already!

Luke at 5 months. His hair is getting longer and it sticks straight up out of control. I love it. We got this cute onesie shirt thing at the baby gap clearance the other day. I just think it is so cute. I love buying cute baby clothes. Don't mind my messed up hair. I sort of forget what I look like sometimes...


  1. I think you look great! I love all the updates and pictures Marie. Luke is such a cutie! Congrats on the new job and the big move.

  2. I love all the pictures and updates. He is getting so big. Time goes by way too fast. We miss you all
